Употребите нужную степень сравнения прилагательного в скобках и переведите предложения: 1. This article is (long) than this one.
2. English is (easy) than Russian.
3. Which is the (good) supermarket in your city?
4. This case is not (simple)
Задайте вопросы к предложениям, переведите их:
1. She has already written a report. (What...?)
2. The letters will be mailed tomorrow. (When...?)
3. Sergey has lived in London for 2 years. (How long...?)
4. My father has already retired. (Who...?)
5. His wifi is working in a hospital this week. (Is...?)
Употребите глаголы в данных предложениях в будущем и времени и переведите их:
1.You must read up for the exams.
2. Sam can swim on his back.
3. Children must not play in the street.
4. He can’t read.

Яркий2017 Яркий2017    2   11.09.2020 18:17    5

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