Употребите нужную форму глагола: 1.They ( have travelled, travelled ) about the Crimea last week.
2. We (has read, read ) this book yesterday.
3. John ( has met, met ) the mechanic two hours ago.
4. You already ( have decided, decided ) what to do with the books.
5. Olga speaks French, because she (has been, was ) in France.

tat2119 tat2119    1   15.06.2020 13:59    8

salihvalishev salihvalishev  15.10.2020 14:03

1 travelled

2 read

3 met

4 you have already decided

5 has been

ilya000000 ilya000000  15.10.2020 14:03

Проверено. Не сомневайтесь! Это верно

1. They travelled about the Crimea last week.

2. We read this book yesterday.

3. John met the mechanic two hours ago.

4. You have already decided what to do with books.

5. Olga speaks French, because she has been in France.

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