Употребите местоимение, соответствующее данному в скобках. 1. show (ему) your drawing. a. him; b. his; с. her; d. them 2. tell (им) about your new flat. a. they; b. their; c. them; d. her 3. (их) children are in ihe garden. a. their; b. they; c. them; d. his 4. what colour is (его) bag? a. its; b. her; с him; d. his 5. this town is very green because there are a lot of trees in (его) streets. a. him; b. his; с its; d. it 6. these flowers are so nice. lam fond of (их). a. they; b. them; с their; d. its 7. let's ask (её) about her foreign friends. a. her; b. she; c. it; d. him 8. (ее) sister is married.

Lesya2601 Lesya2601    3   18.05.2019 12:35    2

mixtecstures mixtecstures  11.06.2020 20:32

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. Her

Ну как я понял сначала предложение, а потом варианты ответа к нему? В таком случае, я все правильно написал

mashka2511 mashka2511  11.06.2020 20:32



8а her

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