Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple (The Past Indefinite Tense)
1) They They (to plant) carrots, eggplants, squashes, tomatoes, cucum-
bers, onions, potatoes last year.
2) He (to like) to pick up berries and mushrooms in the forest when
he was a little boy.
3) She (to visit) the farm yesterday.
4) He (to help) his father to dig potatoes in autumn.
5) The milkmaid (to get up) at 4 o'clock and (to go) to milk cows.
6) (to do) the roses freeze? It was bitterly cold yesterday.
7) You (to go) to the seaside when you (to be) a child?
8) The rain (to stop) an hour ago.
9) The cat (to drink) milk in the morning.

Torisan Torisan    1   22.04.2020 13:58    18

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