Употребите глаголы в скобках в форме простого времени.предложение может быть вопросительным ,утвердительным или отрицательным. 1.yesterday john was ill so he (not/go) to work .2.you (like) yesterday"s performance? 3.he (begin) to train three years ago.4. when you (come) back from the competitions ? 5.i (not/take) part in that game.6.he (win) the first place in this contest.7.he ( break) a record? 8.when you (begin ) to practise sport?

kveresgova kveresgova    2   07.06.2019 17:50    14

Gosha210403 Gosha210403  07.07.2020 10:30
1. didn't go
2. Возможно "Did you like yesterday's performance?"
3. began
4. "When did you come back from the competitions?"
5. didn't take
6. won
7. "Did he break a record?"
8. "When did you begin to practice sport?"
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