Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в present, past или future perfect continuous. 1. she (to work) for this company since last year. 2. i (to listen) to music for half an hour already. 3. how long you (smoke)? 4. victor (to study) for 3 hours before he went to the park. 5. jill and john (to redecorate) their house since last week. 6. i (to sit) for the exam for quite a time until i pass it successfully. 7. what are they doing here? they (to shout) for an hour. 8. how long he (to write) his composition already? 9. they (to walk) for 2 days before they reach the monastery. 10. what you (to read) since morning?

АляЛайк АляЛайк    1   17.07.2019 01:10    0

gerastern gerastern  03.10.2020 06:02
1. sleeping
2. sleeps, gets
3.is crying
5.is drawing
6. eat
7.am eating
9. are playing
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