Употребите глагол в соответствующем времени настоящем, будущем).

a) I (see) him at the club yesterday, b) I (see) her in London next week. c) Something strange (happen) last night. d) Do you know where she (work) now? e) I visited her when she (be) in hospital. f) We (arrest) him if we find him. g) He (manage) to lose 11 pounds on his holiday. h) Our train (leave) in two minutes, i) She (not always lock) the door when she goes out. j) The police searched the flat but (not find) anything. k) If the train's on time, I (arrive) at Cannon Street at 8.53. i) Where (that man get) on to the train? m) There (be) a dance at the hotel tonight.

МейнКун05 МейнКун05    2   01.04.2020 19:55    0

maha80 maha80  01.04.2020 23:30
Saw;will see;happened;works;was;will arrest;managed;will leave
Lucky0ne Lucky0ne  01.04.2020 23:30

ответ: a- saw


            c- happened

            d- works

            e- was

            f- will arrest

            g- will manage

            h- leaves

            i- не знаю

            j- not find

           k- will arrive

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