Употребите глагол, данный в скобках, в нужной форме действительного залога 1. i (not/to understand) the sentence. 2. john is away on holiday. he (to go) to spain. 3. sally (to work) here since she graduated from the institute. 4. the man sitting next to me was nervous because he (not/to fly) before. 5. i think the weather (to be) nice later. 6. we are late. the film (to start) when we get to the cinema. 7. how often you (to go) to the cinema? 8. i (to buy) new shoes. do you like them? 9. when i got home, bill (to lie) on the sofa. 10. mike (not/to watch) tv yesterday. he had no time.

Еккуш63шшк83оагш7гв Еккуш63шшк83оагш7гв    3   31.07.2019 07:20    23

edkot edkot  28.09.2020 13:20
1 do not  2 went  3 working  4 did not  5 will be  6 started  7 go  8 bought  9 liing  10 did not