Употребите где необходимо определенный или неопределенный артикль 1. i saw … accident this morning.… car crashed into … a tree. …driver of … car wasn’t hurt but …car was badly damaged. 2. … france and … britain are separated by … channel. 3. … sugar isn’t very good for you. 4. you’ll find … information you need at … top of … page 5. tom sat down on … chair nearest to … door.

lol09890 lol09890    2   07.06.2019 00:40    3

MrGoudi MrGoudi  06.07.2020 22:47
1. An accident; the car; the driver of a car, the car
2. -, -, the Channel
3. -
4. The information, a top of the page
5. A chair, the door
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