Употребить полную форму глаголов to be и to have в 3м лице ед. числа . 1. he's 18. 2. it's far from london.3. he's cold.4. there's enough salt in the soup.5. she's got a new coat.6. jane's married.7. he's got a motor cycle.8. she's got a lot of strawberries in her basket. 9. it's monday day. 10. she's interested in mathematics. 11. got black hair. 12. my name's pitt.

Жансулу919191 Жансулу919191    2   08.09.2019 00:50    3

AlinaMein14 AlinaMein14  06.10.2020 23:54
1) He is 18.
2) It is far ...
3) He is cold.
4) There is ...
5) She has got ...
6) Jane is ...
7) He has got ...
8) She has got ...
9) It is Monday day.
10) She is ...
11) Нет подлежащего. Если He/She, то has got, а если др., то have got.
12) My name is Pitt.
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