Употреби глагол в нужном времени. 1)there (to be) a bookshelf with dictionaries in the classroom. 2)next year i (to have) four lessons og english every week. 3)yesterday hobbit (to go) shopping and he (to buy) a nice pen. you (to answer)the questions at the last lesson? - no, 5)my little sister (to go) to school in two years. ,я вас !

FenrisYT FenrisYT    2   28.02.2019 02:40    8

Аааа1111111111 Аааа1111111111  23.05.2020 16:22

1)There is a bookshelf with dictionaries in the classroom.


2)Next year I’ll have four lessons of English every week.


3)Yesterday Hobbit went shopping and he bought a nice pen.


4)Did you answer the questions at the last lesson? - No,I did not.


5)My little sister will go to school in two years.

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