Unscramble the sentences: has / attractions / Kyiv / many / national

beautiful / boast/ of / cathedrals / can / lots / it

design / St.Sophia’s / gorgeous/ Cathedral / has

mosaics / is / It / for / frescoes / famous/ and / it’s

symbol / our/ Kyiv-Pecherska / a / capital / Lavra / of/ is

are / in / spring/ blossom/ Chestnut/ trees / in Kyiv / in


Лунa Лунa    1   30.04.2021 20:02    0

nasibovschool nasibovschool  30.04.2021 20:10

Kyiv has many national attractions.

It can boast of lots beautiful cathedrals.

St.Sophia's Cathedral has gorgeous design.

It is famous frescoes and it's mosaics.

A Symbol of our capital is Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra.

In spring chestnut trees are blossom in Kyiv.

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