. Unscramble the sentences. 1. in/London/lived/ten/He/ago./years 2. tasks/These/too/difficult/are/do./to 3. got/brother/My/has/money/enough/buy/computer./to/a 4. did/my/I/homework/hours/ago./three 5. cleaned/the/John/house/ten/ago./minutes

Alesha2112 Alesha2112    1   30.10.2021 00:54    1

Dood86ft24354657 Dood86ft24354657  30.10.2021 01:00

1. He lived in London ten years ago.

2. These tasks are too difficult to do.

3. My brother has got enough money to buy a computer.

4. I did my homework three hours ago.

5. John cleaned the house ten minutes ago.

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