1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs.

attend do fail learn leave pass revise take

0 In England, you can do three or four subjects at A level.

1 If you’re tired, why don’t you a break for a while?

2 Ed’s really excited – he’s managed to his exam!

3 In the UK, students can school when they’re 16.

4 Children first primary school at the age of five.

5 I can’t come out because I have to for my exams.

2 Complete the sentences with a word from each box.

Chill get (x2) looked meet take

after off on with out up up with

0 What time do you get up in the morning?

1 The first thing I do when I get home is my uniform!

2 The villagers him when he was ill.

3 I really my new classmates – they’re so nice!

4 Let’s arrange a time to each other, shall we?

5 I’m just going to in front of the TV this evening.

3 Match 1–5 with a–h to make sentences with get. There are two extra options.

0 Don’t stay out too long; it’s beginning to get c

1 It’s 7 pm already! I must get

2 If I’m late for class, I will get

3 My mum will be furious if I get

4 Jen loves her voluntary work; she gets

5 When I have too much to do, I always get

a into trouble.

b to school.

c dark.

d good marks.

e a tattoo.

f better.

g stressed.

h a lot out of it.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

0 Sam needs to make a decision about where he’s going to study next year. DECIDE

1 My granddad has a great of stamps. COLLECT

2 Ben had to against some older boys in the race. COMPETITION

3 Our school has just received a big for the new swimming pool! DONATE

4 My favourite subject at school is Design and . TECHNOLOGICAL

5 I’m getting a good at this university. EDUCATE


5 Match 1–5 with a–f to make conditional sentences.

0 If we’re free on Saturday, f

1 If there’s enough snow,

2 If it’s a fine day,

3 We’ll go by train

4 We won’t go to a café

5 We’ll buy a drink

a we’ll sit in the sun.

b if there aren’t any buses.

c if we’re thirsty.

d we’ll go ski-ing.

e if we haven’t got much money.

f we’ll have a day out.

6 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

0 If Ted passes (pass) his A levels, he will feel (feel) very excited.

1 If you (not hurry), the bus (leave) without you!

2 What--- (you/do) if Mark (not come) tomorrow?

3 Sasha (be) disappointed if she (fail) her test.

4 If you (not have) an umbrella, I (give) you mine.

5 Amy (not finish) her homework if she (not start) now.

7 Complete the sentences with which, who, where or that. Leave out the relative pronoun if the sentence is correct without it.

0 That’s the man who lives next door to us.

1 My dad’s the one does the cooking in our family.

2 I can’t find a T-shirt I want to buy.

3 I like going to shops there are lots of books!

4 Martin always wanted to drive a car goes really fast!

5 The school canteen is the place you have lunch.

8 Choose the correct option. If the sentence is correct without a relative pronoun, choose –.

1 I managed to buy the book which / – / who I wanted.

2 My brother is the person that / – / which helps me with


3 The bag which / who / where was stolen belonged to me.

4 My room is the place where / which / who I relax after


5 An engineer is someone which / who / – can design cars.уйста

mailkostya1992 mailkostya1992    2   17.05.2021 14:01    77

uzinalizs uzinalizs  17.06.2021 02:07






2 1speeking of

 2looked after

 3realy get on with

 4meet with


3 1b  





4 1collection





TEST ‘Present tenses’





















21has braked

22has never understand

23have learned

24doesnt rain

25want forget

26will help


28will help

29have already already

30have you ever had

31will neturn

32will have




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