Unit 2B "The story behind the photo" 1 READING
0 n 4th November 1 arrived in Chicago late in the evening. I wanted to photograph Barack Obama and his family in the Convention center, but when 1 got there 1 discovered that 1 didn't have my press pass and 1 couldn't go inside. 1 walked around the park outside the center. Although it was November. it was a warm night. The atmosphere was wonderful. When 1 took this photo everybody was looking at the TV screens waiting for the election results. Some ~ people were quietly holding hands and smiling- others were tense and ~ nervous. They felt that it was their moment. Suddenly 1 realized that this ~ was a better place to be than inside. 1 was watching Obama's victory ~ through the faces of all these people, African, Hispanic, Chinese, white. "&i "' At about 11 o'clock the results were announced, and everybody went g mad. People started laughing, shouting, and crying. But when Obama ~ made his speech they all became quiet and emotional. There was only ~ one place to be on the planet that night- and 1 was there.
a Look at a photo which news phorographer Tom Pilston took in 2008. What do you think is happening?
b Read Tom's description of what happened on the night he took the phoro. Were you right?
c Read it again and answer the questions.
l Why did Tom Pilston go ro Chicago? 2 Why couldn't he rake a photograph of Obama? 3 What was the weather like? 4 Where did he take rhis photo? 5 Where could the people see rhe election results? 6 Was he sorry that he couldn't go inside the center? 7 What happened when Obama won?
d W hy do you think the phorographer thought his photo was better than a photo of Obama himself? Do you agree?
2 GRAMMAR past continuous
a Look at the highlighted verbs in an extract from the text. Do they describe actions that happened ... ?
a after he took the photo b at the same time as he took the photo
When I took this photo everybody was looking at the TV screens waiting for t he election results. Some people were quietly holding hands and smiling - others were tense and nervous.
3 VOCABULARY at, in, on
a Which preposition do you use before ... ?
1 a date (e.g. 4th ovember) __ 2 a time (e.g. II o'clock) _ _ 3 the morning, the afternoon, etc. __ 4 a room or building (e.g. the Convention Center) __
b Check your answers tO a in the text. W hat preposition do you use with ... ?
I a month (e.g. January) __ 2 the weekend
3 home, work, school __
c >- p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 1.
d >-Communication at, in, on A p.lOO B p.l 06. An wer the questions with a preposition and a time or place

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