Underline the correct word or phrase. Example: When did you finish / have you finished your work? 1 It’s important to learn / learning a language when you’re young. 2 It’s too / enough hot to sit here. Let’s go inside. 3 Was / Did he use to play football for Liverpool? 4 When I was ill I couldn’t eat nothing / anything. 5 What have you seen / did you see at the cinema last night? 6 The concert might / will finish early. It depends how many songs they sing. 7 You shouldn’t / don’t have to sunbathe without suncream. 8 I’d like to go / going to London for a weekend. 9 I get on well with my parents / with my parents well. 10 They’ve lived in this town since / for 20 years. 11 You don’t have to / mustn’t pay to see the film. It's free. 12 He’s very interested in study / studying Art at university. 13 A I love going out in the evening. B So / Neither do I. 14 I might go/ to go to the party. I’m not sure. 15 If I don’t do my homework, my teacher will be / would be very angry. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct word(s). Example: Would you like to look at my holiday photos? watch look at read 1 When I saw her she was walking the lake. across through towards 2 Last night we a cake for his birthday. made did paid 3 She always a handbag. wears puts carries 4 Go the supermarket and the bank is on your left. over past along 5 I broke my friend’s camera. luckily accidentally immediately 6 He looks his father. like as same 7 I looked the new words in the dictionary. down through up 8 A I love computer games. B do I! So Also Neither 9 I’m looking Jan’s baby while she’s out. forward after for 10 I gave smoking two years ago. down off up 11 I am working very hard because I want to at 50 and go travelling. retire separate leave 12 Did you know text-messaging was by a Finnish company? discovered invented designed 13 I went to Morocco in August and it was hot. In fact it was boiling. a bit quite incredibly 14 The lion looked asleep but it jumped up and ran away. luckily accidentally suddenly 15 The little girl said she wanted to get married and ten children. have get become 3. Match the words with the same sound. hope get tiger forget turn divorced send discover wear enjoy finish Example: remember send 1 promise 2 dangerous 3 across 4 mosquito 5 whale 6 elephant 7 throw 8 earn 9 pretend 10 try

kachakomba kachakomba    3   22.12.2020 19:35    8

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