Underline the correct item. 1 That's the house where / which I grew up.
2 That's the woman who's / whose son won
the Gold Medal.
3 This is the car which /who belongs to my
4 He is the actor who whom won the
Academy Award
5 The girl which whom you met at the party
is my sister
6 The reason which / why I didn't call you
was because I came home late.
7 Tina will always remember the day when /
where she graduated.
8 The house which/where was broken into
is my uncle's
9 The hotel where that we stayed was near
the beach
10 I'll never forget the day whom / when I got
11 A butcher is someone whose / who sells
12. The earrings which / who she gave me
were very expensive.
13 That's the reason why / which she left early,
14 Jenny is the girl who which won the

Vikaa1111 Vikaa1111    2   05.04.2021 12:03    50

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