Underline the correct answer in italics 1. We’re having / ’ll have our meeting in five minutes or had you forgotten about it?
2. Did you see the news? I think the markets are going to fall / are falling today.
3. I had given / was giving a presentation when my projector broke. It was so embarrassing.
4. When I saw him, he said he hadn’t received / didn’t receive my letter. But that can’t be true. I sent it two weeks ago.
5. My computer has just stopped working so I couldn’t / can’t e-mail her.
6. I wouldn’t / mustn’t be surprised if he resigns. He’s been complaining for months.
7. We’re getting a pay rise? You ought to / must be joking.

Part C
Put the words in the correct order to make phrases from a presentation.
1. Have at this a look

2. To move next on my to point

3. To then up sum

4. To say more on a bit that
To ​

boatengknhalotldze boatengknhalotldze    3   11.12.2020 15:22    6

андрейка46 андрейка46  10.01.2021 15:24

я не знаю ответа братан) поэтому сори

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