Умоляю,! ! you and your friend want to visit an exhibition of pictures. discuss with him/her which one of the following options is the best place to go. -an exhibition of levitan landscapes from russian museums -an exhibition of rembrandt painting from european meseums - an exhibition of abstract art paintings -an exhibition of photographs

Labzunova Labzunova    3   24.05.2019 20:10    59

aniadark aniadark  20.06.2020 18:35
1)Oh, hey, you do not know where the exhibition of landscapes Levitan?Yes, it will take place in Russia
-spasibo for help
2) Probably was cool Rembrandt museum in Europe is a pity that I did not have time to visit it.Nothing, I'll show you the pictures with him
3)Russia is a very good exhibition of paintings-Yes, I visited one of them
4)What a great exhibition of photographs, never never seen such a gracefulThat you have not seen all the passerby said
Vova2005002 Vova2005002  20.06.2020 18:35
ты и твой друг хотите посетить выставку фотографии. обсудить с ним/ней то, что один из следующих вариантов-это лучшее место, чтобы пойти.
-выставка пейзажей Левитана из российских музеев
-выставка живописи Рембрандта из европейских meseums
- выставка абстрактное искусство живопись
-выставка фотографий
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