Умоляю, с сочинением по языку. нужно написать рассказ в времени на любую тему (новый год, рождество, пасха и т. в сочинение обязательно указать, что вы делаете в тот или иной праздник и всё такое. умоляю, выручайте(( не напишу, не получу я не знаю как писать в времени, поэтому обращаюсь к вам.
I want to tell you about celebration of New Year in our family. We love this holiday. I can say that it's our favorite holiday, because we always meet together. It' really amazing!
This New Year was fantastic. We decorated our home and Christmas tree. We bought and cooked a lot of delicious food like salads, meet, cookies. We wished each other a lot of good things. It was really good time for everyone, I think. We got and received presents.
I just want to tell that holiday is really great time for family.