Умнички по языку , исправьте мне правильно как правильно? по такой форме сказала писать monday is five lessons. the first man and the word. the lessons the reading and listen to stories. the second lesson maths, the lesson they solve problems and do sums. the third lesson technology , the lesson they make things. the fourth lesson belarusian, the lesson they reading. the fifth lesson pe, the lesson they played sports and ran. tuesday is five lessons. the first lessons english on the lesson they reading and listen to stories. the second lessons russian on the lesson they reading. необходимо написать на дни недели, сколько уроков и какие уроки, и что на уроках делаем. написать как понедельник 1. человек и мир 2. 3. изобразительное искусство 4. физкультура вторник 1. яз 2. яз 3. 4. лит

эдвард20 эдвард20    3   17.04.2019 18:41    0

stalker1897ox9hzs stalker1897ox9hzs  07.06.2020 19:38

At monday we have 4 lessons.

First is "Man and world", on this lesson we learn about animals and world.

Second is math, at math we solve different problems.

Third is Art, we draw pictures and learn something about art.

Fourth is P.E. at this lesson we warm up and than we play volleyball, run and e.t.c

At Tuesday we have 4 lessons too.

First is English, we study grammar rules and write texts.

Second is Russian, at this lesson we do same things to English, but it is another language.

Third is Math, we again solve interesting problems.

And fourth is Literature, at this interesting lesson we learn a lot of things about russian poets and their poems.

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