Ulan: What does your father do? Dana: 1) He's an astronaut. He flies into
Ulan: That's a really cool job!
Dana: Look at him in this picture!
Ulan: Wow!
A He's an astrona
B That's just rol
What's his job?
C He's a police office
D How are you?
He works at the police station on E He's in his uniform.
F I want to be an astronaut one da
Kunayev Street
G What about your dad?
Dana: 6)
Let's go and say hi!
ftornage 60 of the Pupil's Book.
Ulan: 5) W1 Heispalio

Ulan: What does your father do? Dana: 1) He's an astronaut. He flies intospace.Ulan: That's a really

JonHenryEdem1 JonHenryEdem1    1   22.02.2021 15:58    36

Катер007 Катер007  25.12.2023 09:00
Dana: 1) He's an astronaut. He flies into space.
What does your father do?

In this conversation, Ulan is asking Dana about her father's profession or job. Dana responds by saying that her father is an astronaut and his work involves flying into space. This means that he is involved in space exploration and research.

Ulan: That's a really cool job!
Ulan expresses admiration for her father's job as an astronaut.

Dana: 2) Look at him in this picture!
Dana draws Ulan's attention to a picture of her father, indicating that she wants Ulan to see what her father looks like in the picture.

Ulan: Wow!
Ulan expresses surprise or amazement, possibly because he finds Dana's father's appearance impressive or intriguing based on the picture.

The options given are:

A) He's an astronaut.
Dana has already stated this in her initial response, so this option is not the correct answer to the question.

B) That's just rol
This fragment is incomplete and does not make sense within the context of the conversation, so it is not the correct answer.

C) He's a police officer.
This option does not relate to Dana's father's occupation as described in the conversation (astronaut), so it is not the correct answer.

D) How are you?
This question is unrelated to the topic being discussed (Dana's father's occupation), so it is not the correct answer.

E) He's in his uniform.
This option could be a possible response if Ulan had asked about Dana's father's appearance in the picture. However, Ulan did not ask about the uniform, but rather about her father's job. Therefore, this option is not the correct answer.

F) I want to be an astronaut one day.
This option is not a direct response to Ulan's question. It shows a personal desire of Dana's to become an astronaut in the future. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.

G) What about your dad?
Ulan asks Dana about her own father's occupation after learning about Dana's father being an astronaut. This is a follow-up question to continue the conversation.

Dana: 6) Let's go and say hi!
Dana suggests that she and Ulan go greet or meet her father, likely inspired by the previous discussion about her father being an astronaut.

To summarize, the correct answers are:
1) He's an astronaut. He flies into space.
2) Look at him in this picture!
G) What about your dad?
6) Let's go and say hi!
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