Укажите верный вариант ответа:
1.The delegation already at the station. (arrived,
has arrived, arrives).
2. I was in Moscow two years ago. I at the Sputnik Hotel. (stayed,
have stayed, stay).
3. I at the Sputnik Hotel now. (stay,will stay,am staying).
4. When I visit Moscow, I usually at the Sputnik Hotel. (stayed,stay,
am staying).
5. I think next time he at the Sputnik Hotel. (is staying,will stay, stays).
6. At the moment the delegation at the station. (arrivesis, arriving, will arrive).
7. I never at the Sputnik Hotel. Is it a good hotel?(am staying, stayed, have stayed).
8. The delegation at the airport two hours ago.(arrives,has arrived,arrived).
9. The delegation just at the station.(arrived, arrives,has arrived).
10. The delegation in Moscow yesterday.
has arrived

6edn9ga 6edn9ga    2   27.04.2020 15:16    35

Шамиль1233 Шамиль1233  24.08.2020 08:46


1 has arrived

2 stayed

3 am staying

4 stay

5 will stay

6 arriving

7 have stayed

8 has arrived

9 has arrived

10 arrived

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