• Укажите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных:
1. cold → ... → …
2. fast →... →..
3. hot →... →...
4. easy →... →...
5. tall → ... → ...
6. low →... → ...
7. pretty →... →...
8. quiet →... → ...
9. spicy →... → ...
10. fat →... → ...

leonkrotovv leonkrotovv    1   12.05.2020 07:01    9

cohka06 cohka06  14.10.2020 13:44

1) cold, colder, the clodest

2)Fast, Faster, the Fastest

3)hot, Hotter , the hottest

4)easy,easier, the easiest

5) tall, tallest, the tallest

6) low, lowest, the lowest

7) pretty, prettiest, the prettiest

8)quiet, quietest, the quietest

9)spicy, spiciest, the spiciest

10)fat, fattest, the fattest

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