Учительница говорит,что неправильное время где то со временами present simple и исправить время правильно,
In this picture i see eco-helpers. Eco helpers are people who help Improve the environment. They are planting trees, throwing rubbish in rubbish bins and collecting plastic and bottles for recycling. Eco-helpers are environment ally conscious people who take care about our planet and protect nature. At the weekend i help my mother and father to collect garbage,plant flowers and vegetables,pull out weeds and collect dry banches in our garden.

Toma06000 Toma06000    2   19.05.2020 11:21    0

Айка12341 Айка12341  15.10.2020 00:01
They plant trees,throw rubbish in bins and collect plastic and bottles for recycling At the weekend I (will help-если ты это будешь делать,helped-если ты уже делал это)
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