Участвовали ли вы когда-нибудь в массовых акциях по очистке пляжей или других экологических акциях? Хотели бы? Скажите почему. (Напишите мини сочинение по этим вопросам.)
I did not participate in the actions to clean up the beach. I would really like to participate because it's interesting and we help nature, we clean it up.
ответ:Yes, I have taken part in environmental actions, because I love nature. I am very interested in the topic of nature and ecology.
I want to help people to keep nature clean and beautiful, to preserve rare species of animals and plants.
Объяснение: Извини, что много слов "я", по другому не смог)
I did not participate in the actions to clean up the beach. I would really like to participate because it's interesting and we help nature, we clean it up.
Я составила такое, но может надо было другое