у самой уже мозг устал. больше не могу. . нужно написать на рассказ от 50 до 80 слов(можно любое количество слов, я сокращу), рассказ о важном событии недели. я придумала о дне рождении своей сестры, якобы на той недели у нее было день рождение, и нужно написать что там было, ну и почему я считаю это важным событием за неделю. заранее говорю , и сильно-сильно )

kseniafomina99 kseniafomina99    3   07.07.2019 21:30    1

kerillponomarenco kerillponomarenco  02.10.2020 22:26
Last week I visited my sister's birthday party. She invited all the family and some friends to a cafe. Everyone looked smart and was smiling. They congratulated my sister and gave her the presents. I gave her a book of her favourite author and she was very glad to receive it. We spent half an hour chatting and eating the main meal, and then somebody turned off the light and our mum brought a birthday cake with candles. My sister made a wish and blew them off. She was really happy.
This event was very important for me as my sister is very close to me and she always supports me, so we are good friends.
116 слов.
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