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majm21 majm21  03.10.2020 22:53
Fashion is one of the most interesting manifestations of the human attraction to beauty. Fashion is different, but each of its forms tends doutey individual ideas of harmony: the man, the man with the world.We are more accustomed to European ideas about fashion. Clothes should not be trendy: the main requirement for it – convenience. Of course, this is correct only a relatively casual fashion. There are times when casual just inappropriate: it is primarily a variety of celebrations. So the modern fashion noticeable splits into two styles: casual and festive. This is what we see on the shows of prominent designers of the present: the collection of ready-to-wear and "Haute couture" is usually a demonstrate apart.Today, as always, there are so-called "prestige items", but, in my opinion, they have not received a lot of attention. It was nice to have a jacket Cardin or dress by Valentino, and it is not important. Clothing should fit the person, be she likes it and successfully emphasize the best features of her face, figure, and behavior.It should be noted that in the modern fashion world came the hour of natural fabrics: cotton, linen, wool and the like. This means that in the above modern requirements, joined in the desire to dress is not only comfortable and beautiful, but still natural. Environmentally friendly materials now used in most sectors of the fashion industry.My mother told me that in the years of her youth were not allowed to go in jeans to school. "That's so fashion!" – I thought. Indeed, the unwillingness to see beautifully dressed people a few decades ago was also a kind of fashion. And for me, young Ukrainian women, of course, ridiculous prohibitions do not exist. I with the same pleasure to wear the jeans on days when going to school, and the colorful dress when going to a vacation with friends. And I love to experiment with clothes, jewelry. And to me, the attitude to fashion can be considered, if not absolutely correct, at least smart. Each person should gradually develop your own style, and then successfully follow it. Modern fashion nor forced to do anything, and therefore I think it is contemporary fashion is most appropriate, one that does not prevent a person to be themselves.
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