Твір на мову "як я провела зимові канікули" короткий

Dan363 Dan363    3   01.04.2019 14:40    2

sens1980 sens1980  28.05.2020 06:10

At last the winter holidays came! I was very happy!   I didn't have  to get up early in the morning and run to school. I could stay in the bed till midday. But I didn't want to sleep. There were a lot of things to do.

The weather was fine so my freinds and I went to the skating- rink almost every day. It was fun!

Then I spent a week in the country where my grandfather and grandmother lived. It was great. I drank milk and eat a lot of tasty food which my granny prepared for me.

I have many friends in this village because I go there every holidays.

We went to the forest to ski, we made snowmen and played snowballs. We even played hockey!

But the winter holidays were over and I returned to the city again.  I liked my holidays very much.


Наконец наступили зимние каникулы! Я был очень счастлив!  Я не должен был вставать рано утром и бежать в школу. Я мог  оставаться в постели до полудня. Но я не хотел спать. Было так много дел.

Погода была хорошая, так что мои друзья и я ходили на каток почти каждый день. Это было весело!

Затем я провел неделю в деревне, где  живут мои дедушка и бабушка . Это было здорово. Я пил молоко и ел много вкусной пищи, которую моя бабушка готовила для меня.

У меня много друзей в этой деревне, потому что я езжу туда каждые каникулы.

Мы ходили в лес кататься на лыжах, мы делали снеговиков и играли в снежки. Мы даже играли в хоккей!

Но зимние каникулы закончились, и я вернулся в город снова. Мне очень понравились мои каникулы.


This happened to me when I was in fifth grade. It was winter, the quarter was over, and it's time to rest. Our form has set the task of hiking Khotylevo the village, go to the hills! Appointed time and collection point - at 10:00 Moscow near the Palace of Culture. I, as it turned out, while confused and came later. Therefore, they were not going. It turned out I lost a lot.
Vacation was over, and the Russian lesson we received the first task - to write an essay on "How I spent my winter vacation." Written, passed! In the next lesson to all distributed notebooks with estimates, and one work was honored to be read at the board klassrukom! And guess whose? No, not mine! My classmate. It was brief, but carried a lot. Went something like "I want to talk about spending the winter holidays because we were forced to write about it. In winter, we together with the class went to a hike in the countryside riding with slides. We walked for a long time, several hours. They came and began to celebrate. Began to ride with slides. Rode with anything. I went to the card that the bottles on the stump, rode on the ass! It was fun! I loved it. We all sweat. After the hills we went to a grandmother. She regaled us with tea and gave the lie to the stove. It was all fun and good, but I had a broken arm, so I did not go on the ride! "
Aha! In both! What a twist! Well it must be - a flight of fancy! On that day, all laughing! I will not forget.

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