Turn the following into the future perfect. 1. i had done my homework by 9 o’clock. i will have done my homework by 9o’clock. 2. they had built the new school by the first of september. 3. the teacher had looked through our exercise-books by that time. 4. we had discussed the report by four o’clock in the afternoon. 5. the pupils had read three english books by the end of the year. 6. i had written the composition by 9 o’clock.

malia20092004 malia20092004    3   17.08.2019 14:20    12

angel020580 angel020580  05.10.2020 00:53
2. They will have built the new school by the first of September.
3. The teacher will have looked through our exercise-book by that time.
4. We will have discussed the report by four o`clock in the afternoon.
5. The pupils will have red three English books by the end of the year.
6. I will have written th composition by 9 o`clock.
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