Треба зробити листа на тему "моє ставлення до навчання" повинні бути обов*язкові слова " by the way, on the onehand, on the other hand, i'd like, as for me, i think, in my opinion. а кінець такким "in conclusion i"d like to say that knoledge is power. yours ruslan

Trusters2007 Trusters2007    2   13.03.2019 05:10    1

voronvoron2002 voronvoron2002  25.05.2020 03:27

I try to treat their studies carefully. I try to perform well in domestic zadanie.Inogda I do extra, I do not understand something I stay after school and speak to the teacher to help. But on the other hand, I still do additionally with tutors. I would like to take good ekzameny.Na my opinion I exams in the future to rent otlichno.Ya would like to say that the In conclusion I"d like to say that knoledge is power. Yours Ruslan

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