Travelling I .Write the words correctly. 2. pish 3. kibe 4.niatr 5.nelpa 6.grunound 7.pteherlico 8. . kibeomotr

II. Complete the sentences.

1.The most dangerous way of travelling is….
2.The slowest transport is….
3.The plane arrived at the….on….
4.My favourite …of travelling is …bus.
5.The train tickets are more….. than… tickets.
6.Don’t forget …to … photos.
7. The…. way of travelling is …foot.
8.The …. way to study… is to travel.

III. Put the sentences in correct order

1. /in the/sea/past/people/by/round/travelled/the world/
2. /arrived/ at the/ the train/late/station/railway
3 ./ do/ take/why/people/photos?
4 / way/ by/ the fastest/ plane/of travelling/ is /
5 / did/ you/ last/when/travel/time?/
6 / never/ I/ Australia /have/ visited./

IV. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form of Present Perfect.
1. He never ( travel) by plane.
2. I (to be) in Kyiv two times.
3. We (ride) a horse today.
4. Look! I ( paint) my room.
5. My sister just ( buy) tickets to Lviv.
6. You (send) me your photos?
7 .They see the statue of Liberty?

olechka162 olechka162    1   05.05.2021 22:41    1

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