Translete into russian paying attention to the use of the passive voice: 1. christmas day has been celebrated since ancient times. 2. many old russian traditions have been revived in our country. 3. the birthday cake with 20 candles has been brought in. 4. his anniversary has been celebrated throughout the country. 5. easter eggs have been painted. 6. the pie has been eaten, speeches have been made and wedding presents have been opened. 7. have you been asked this question? 8. the newspapers haven't been delivered yet. what is being done in the house for the guests? - the whole house is being decorated; the guest room is being washed and cleaned; in the sitting room the tv set is being fixed and big dinner is being cooked, a cake is being baked and celebration cards are being written for the guests. what else can be done? - some flowers can be and brought in from the garden. - is the table being laid? - yes, it is.