Translete into english using пресент, паст, or фьюче перфикт: 1. я никогда не был в германии. 2. мы только что приехали. 3. я не видела ее сегодня утром. 4. он уже уехал в москву. 5. к концу декабря я сдал все экзамены. 6. к тому времени дети ушли в школу. 7. он выучил все слова к 5 часам. 8. они отремонтируют машину к понедельнику. 9. мы подпишем контракт к 3 часам. 10. к следующему месяцу он напишет четвертую пьесу.

Lerawsfghdsx Lerawsfghdsx    2   15.08.2019 21:30    0

MrEvgeniy1 MrEvgeniy1  04.10.2020 21:46
1. I've never been in Germany. 2. We just got here. 3. I haven't seen her this morning. 4. He had already left for Moscow. 5. By the end of December I passed all the exams. 6. By the time the kids are gone to school. 7. He learned all the lyrics to 5 o'clock. 8. They will repair the car by Monday. 9. We will sign the contract to 3 hours. 10. By next month he will write a fourth play.
ImagineDragonsUA ImagineDragonsUA  04.10.2020 21:46
1. I've never been to Germany. 2. We have just got here. 3. I haven't seen her this morning. 4. He has already gone to Moscow. 5. By the end of December I will have passed all the exams. 6. By the time the kids have gone to school. 7. He has learned all the lyrics by 5 o'clock. 8. They will have repaired the car by Monday. 9. We will have signed the contract by 3 o'clock. 10. By next month he will have written a fourth play.
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