Translate the situations into english: ольге десять лет.она высокая девочка,худенькая и красивая.у нее большие темные глаза и светлые волосы.оля добрая и .она умная.она умеет играть на пианино и писать стихи,у нее есть две сестры.лене тридцать лет.она говорит на двух языках , и французском.маше восемь лет .младшая сестра шумная и забавная .она поет и танцует

Ulia1090210 Ulia1090210    1   04.10.2019 08:40    4

rimanchik rimanchik  09.10.2020 19:13
Olga ten years.she is a tall girl, thin and beautiful.she has big dark eyes and blond hair.Olya is kind and friendly.she's smart.she can play the piano and write poetry,she has two sisters.Lena thirty years.she speaks two languages, English and French.Masha is eight .the younger sister is noisy and funny .she sings and dances..
Анита1002 Анита1002  09.10.2020 19:13
Olga is ten year old. She's tall girl, skinny and pretty. She has big dark eyes and light hair. Olga is kind and affable. She's very smart. She can play on piano and write poems, she has two sisters. Lena is 30 years old. She can talk on two languages, English and French. Masha is eight years old. Little sister is loud and funny. She signs and dances.
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