Translate the sentences into English: 1. Вони часто читають історичні книги.
2. Він читає цікаву історію зараз.
3. Люди часто обговорюють свої плани по
4.Вона не розмовляє по телефону зараз.
5. Як ти проводиш свої вихідні?
6. Твоя мама готує обід зараз?
1. They often read historical books.
2. Now he is reading interesting history.
3. People often discuss their plans for
4. Now she isn't talking by phone.
5. How do you spend your weekends?
6. Is your mom cooking dinner now?
1. They often read historical books.
2. He is reading an interesting story now.
3. People often discuss their plans for
phone number.
4. She isn't talk on the phone now.
5. How do you spend your weekends?
6. Is your mother cooking lunch now?