Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Коли потяг зупинився, провідник дозволив вийти на платформу. 2. Я забув парасольку вдома
і змок до нитки. 3. Коли він подорослішав, то зрозумів, як багато батьки зробили для нього. 4.
Вони продовжували вчити уроки, поки зовсім не стемніло. 5. Він швидко заснув, тому що не
спав попередню ніч. 6. Коли він закінчив розрахунки, то зрозумів, як багато змарнував грошей.
7. Він потрапив у біду, бо не прислухався до моєї поради. 8. Вона переміряла десяток суконь,
перш ніж зупинила свій вибір на блакитній. 9. Я здогадувалася, що він катався на велосипеді
увесь день. 10. Коли вона згадала про чайник, він кипів уже хвилин п’ятнадцять. 11. У неї
боліла рука, бо вона її забила. 12. Щойно дитина побачила матір, то зразу заспокоїлася і почала
посміхатися. 13. Вона не могла зрозуміти, що змусило його збрехати ще раз. 14. Він отримав
добру оцінку, тому що відпрацював вимову. 15. Ресторан зачинявся тільки після того, як йшли
останні відвідувачі.

Iskoniko Iskoniko    2   01.12.2020 20:56    1

florzy florzy  31.12.2020 20:56

1. When the train stopped, the conductor allowed to enter the platform. 2. I forgot my umbrella at home

and wet to the thread. 3. When he grew up, he realized how much his parents had done for him. 4.

They continued to teach lessons until it was completely dark. 5. He fell asleep quickly because he didn't

slept the night before. 6. When he finished the calculations, he realized how much money he wasted.

7. He got into trouble because he didn't listen to my advice. 8. She measured a dozen dresses,

before opting for blue. 9. I guessed he was riding a bike

all day. 10. When she mentioned the kettle, it had been boiling for fifteen minutes. 11. She has

her hand hurt because she killed her. 12. As soon as the child saw the mother, she immediately calmed down and started

smile. 13. She could not understand what made him lie again. 14. He received

good grade because he worked out the pronunciation. 15. The restaurant closed only after they left

recent visitors.

LavaGirl14 LavaGirl14  31.12.2020 20:56

1.When the train stopped, the conductor allowed him to enter the platform. 2.I forgot my umbrella at home and got wet. 3.As he grew older, he realized how much his parents had done for him.

4.They continued to teach lessons until it was completely dark. 5.He fell asleep guickly because he had not slept the night before. 6.When he finished the calculations,he realized how much money he wasted. 7.He got into trouble because he didn't listen to me advice. 8.She measured a dozen dresses before choosing blue. 9.I guessed he was cycling all day. 10.When she mentiomed the kettle,it had been boiling for fifteen minutes.

11.Her hand hurt because she killed her. 12.As soon as the child saw the mother,she immediately calmed down and began to smile.

13.She couldn't understand what made him lie again. 14.He received a good grade because he worked out the pronunciation. 15.The restaurant closed only after the last visitors left.

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