Translate into english. Use either the Complex Subject or the Complex Object in your sentences. 1) Он знал, что он самый лучший спортсмен в классе
2) Студентка считала, что она самая в группе
3) Я увидел, что он взволнован, и спросил у него, в чем дело.
4) Он почувствовал, что кто-то на него смотрит.

yanalitvinova yanalitvinova    2   25.05.2021 14:53    0

SashaWest SashaWest  25.05.2021 15:00

1)He knew he was the best athlete in his class

2)The student believed that she was the most capable in the group

3)I saw that he was agitated and asked him what was the matter

4)He felt that someone was looking at him

sofia3451 sofia3451  25.05.2021 15:00

1.he knew he was the best athlete in class.

2.the students believed that she was the most capable in the group.

3.i saw that he was agitated and asked him what was the matter.

4.he felt that someone was looking at him

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