Translate into english:

доступный обеспечивать

страхование охрана, безопасность

взнос, вклад доход

работодатель обеспечение

требовать денежное пособие

4.fill into the gaps and translate into russian:

nobody pretends that (национальное здравоохранение) in britain is perfect. many doctors (жалуются) that they waste hours filling in (национальное страхование) forms, and that they have so many (пациентов) that they do not have enough time to (присматривать, наблюдать) any of them properly. nurses say that they are (перегружены) and (недостаточно оплачиваются)

3.rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1. he couldn’t find a job. he tried hard. (despite)

2.retired people receive a state pension. they can get wages. (although)

3.she accepted the job. the salary was very high. (because of )

4.they have little money. they are going to pay university education for their children. ( in spite of )

5.the situation was serious. there was a hope that he wouldn’t become unemployed. (even though)

6.a lot of people lost their jobs. there was a severe (суровый) economic crisis. (because of)

Егоруак Егоруак    1   05.11.2019 13:03    5

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