Translate from russian into english using the constructions as… as or so… as. 1. наш телевизор такой же хороший, как этот. 2. киев не такой большой, как лондон. 3. московское метро такое же красивое, как лондонское метро? 4. вашей матери столько же лет, сколько вашему отцу? – нет, моя мама не такая старая, как отец. 5. этот компьютер не такой дорогой, как тот, который купил саша. 6. моя мама также занята, как и я. 7. у нее также много книг, как у меня. 8. лето в этом году не такое теплое, как в мой компьютер не такой новый, как твой. 10. его сумка такая же тяжелая, как и моя.

AveMartells AveMartells    3   09.09.2019 12:40    0

shahanovaoksan shahanovaoksan  07.10.2020 03:10
Our TV is as good as this one.Kiev is not as big as London.The Moscow metro is as beautiful as the London Underground?Your mother is as old as your father? - No, myMother is not as old as her father.This computer is not as expensive as the one that Sasha bought.My mum is as busy as I am.She also has many books, like mine.Summer this year is not as warm as in the past.My computer is not as new as yours.His bag is as heavy as mine.
MoLoDaYa666 MoLoDaYa666  07.10.2020 03:10
Our TV is as good as this one
Kiev is not as big as London
Is the Moscow underground as beautiful as the London tube?
Is your mother as old as your father? - no, my mum isn't as old as my dad
this computer isn't as expensive as that one which Sasha bought
my mum is as busy as I am
the summer this year is as warm as the one last year
my computer is not as new as yours
his bag is as heavy as mine
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