Трансформуйте речення у непряму мову починаючи зі слів в дужках.
Приклад : I will work abroad. (He said . . .)
Відповідь : He said he would work abroad.

1)My family comes from Italy . (She said that . . . )
2)My brother has bought a new bike today. (He said . . . )
3)I am preparing for the English course now! (She said . . .)
4)We will buy some bread for dinner. (Parents said . . . )
5)I visited my grandparents the last weekend. (She said that . . . )
6)It is so wonderful to spend time on the seaside! ( She told that . . . )
7)I was waiting for the interview when manager entered the room. (She said that . . . )
8)I don't like Sushi. ( She said that . . . )
9)I can write a scientific report tomorrow. (He said that . . . )
10)We have never been here before. (They said that . . . )
11)I took my exams several days ago. ( He admitted that . . . )

vovan2002vovap0181f vovan2002vovap0181f    1   10.04.2020 23:07    3

flag4 flag4  13.09.2020 08:50

ответ: 1)She said that her family came from Italy

2)He said his brother had bought a new bike that day

3)She said that she was preparing for the English course then

4)Parents said that they would buy some bread for dinner

5)She said that she had visited her grandparents the previous weekend

6)She told that it was so wonderful to spend time on the seaside

7)She said that she has been waiting for the interview when the manager entered the room

8)She said that she didn't like Sushi

9)He said that he could write a scientific report the next day

10)They said that they had never been here before

11)He admitted that he had taken his exams several days before.


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