Transform the sentences into Reported speech.
1. Mother said: “Barry! Breakfast is ready!”
2. Adam asked Barry: “Can you believe this is happening?”
3. Barry said to Adam: “I’ll pick you up”
4. Mother ordered Barry: “Use the stairs!”
5. Barry said: “I’m excited”
6. Father said: “We’re very proud of you, son”
7. Mother said Barry: “You got lint on your fuzz”

8. Mother ordered: “Barry, stop flying in the house!”

9. Adam asked Barry: “Is that fuzz gel?”

10. Barry said: “Everybody knows, sting someone, you die”

11. Adam answered: “I guess he could have just gotten out of the way”

12. He said: “I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day”

teoat teoat    2   04.04.2020 13:51    2

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