Tпоставте слово в скобках в нужную форму 1) i (iron) for so long that my arm aches 2) i (wash) the car - you should come and look at it 3) by the time the meeting starts/ i (write) the report 4) i wish i (not buy) the computer/ it's useless 5)paddy (must be) here - the place is a mess 6) there (be) so much to do if you kept your files in order 7) don't worry/ i (book) the tickets today 8) if only me husband (not be) so lazy

0ananasik0 0ananasik0    3   08.06.2019 22:40    1

nikitoschenko nikitoschenko  07.07.2020 22:23
1.was iron
2. washed
3. was writing
4. don't buy
5. must be
6. is
7. booked
8.don't be
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