Total score 15 score
Tankl. Answer the questone Cucle Yes" N" De the while you listna You will listen twice.
Go to the link to valen lutsp lemmenelaten betebelog luheng skills
practice intensewer
Example Does Dan get up early Yes No
I Does behaakt" Yes No
2 Is Dan studer Yes No
3. Does he baluadh whom Yes No
- Does Dan ro ruummmg ate classes Yes No
s Does be watch TV and ge en die steenet before bed Yes No

vitalya0011 vitalya0011    2   30.10.2020 13:38    0

Deniska7771 Deniska7771  29.11.2020 13:42

how are you and accurate as to the same and I will have received the same and I have a great Weekender bag with the next few months and accurate as and when you have any other person is the next day or so if you want to to go with the same the next few months 7

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