Total mark: 3 Grammar
Task 3. Do the task using Modal Verbs.
1. We
sleep in the bedroom but we
... sleep in the
2. We
(not/pick) the flowers in the park.
3. I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I
4. You
forget what I told you. It's very important.
5. We arrived home very late last night. We ... wait half an hour for a taxi.
6. I can't swim very far these days but ten years ago I
swim from
one side of the lake to the other.
Total mark:6

Total mark: 3 GrammarTask 3. Do the task using Modal Verbs.1. We sleep in the bedroom but we... slee

ЛераТян2000 ЛераТян2000    3   16.03.2021 12:12    0

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