Total [7] WRITING

Task 2. Write essay by giving extended answers to the questions. Write 90-110 words.

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of TV?

• What is one of your favourite TV shows? Why do you like it? / When is it on TV?

• Do you think that TV makes people lazy? Why? Give examples.

• What are the benefits of reading a newspaper or a magazine? With the popularity of theInternet, do you think newspapers and magazines will disappear?

Descriptor A learner

Task 2 • writes sentences with grammar accuracy; ;

• writes 90-110 words;

• makes up a story connecting sentences into paragraphs.

Total [7] WRITINGTask 2. Write essay by giving extended answers to the questions. Write 90-110 words

УльянаТонких УльянаТонких    2   04.12.2020 07:22    0

Happymilks Happymilks  04.12.2020 07:30

Хкахах я тоже щяс это делаю

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