Topic 2: Drama and Comedy ✓What do you like to watch: drama or comedy?

✓ Name one of your favorite film and write why you like it

✓ Name one of your favorite drama or comedy actor and write why you like him/her

✓ What movie would you recommend to watch and why?​

Lik20372 Lik20372    1   30.12.2020 17:53    2

Вано111111111111 Вано111111111111  29.01.2021 17:54

I love watching drama.

My favorite dramatic film is Hachiko. I like him because I really love dogs, and because I am amazed at how much Hachiko was devoted to his master.

One of my favorite dramatic actors is Leonardo DiCaprio. He played in the dramatic film Titanic and played very well. But if you choose between these two films - I recommend you "Hachiko"!

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