Topic 1. Write a story with the title 'An Exciting Adventure' for your school magazine. Write 3 paragraphs using the plan below:

(Paragraph 1) - when / where / description of the main characters

(Paragraph 2) - events in the order they happened/ your feelings

(Paragraph 3) - the end of the story


Students should write 150-180 words

Students should follow structure of writing (Par1; Par 2; Par3;)

Students should use topic vocabulary from the units 8-10;

Students should use at least 2-3 times Topic Grammar (Passive voice; comparison of adjectives; Modal verbs 3-4) ​

Topic 1. Write a story with the title 'An Exciting Adventure' for your school magazine. Write 3 para

Abdurauf2004 Abdurauf2004    1   11.03.2021 15:25    0

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