Topic 1. Write a newspaper article (120-150 words) describing hobbies that were popular with teenagers 10 years ago. Use Past forms and try to cover these questions: 1. What hobbies were very popular among younger generation 10 years ago? 2. Why were they important? 3. What was the most popular hobby? why? 4. Was your own hobby different from the most popular one? How? Why? Topic 2. Write an article to a newspaper (120 150 words) describing the last Sport Competition where you or your friends participated (in a country or abroad) using Past tenses. Try to mention these questions: 1. What was the competition? 2 Where was the competition? 3. How were you or your friends preparing for it? 4. Why was it important to participate in such events?​

Ника11112222222x Ника11112222222x    3   02.11.2020 09:22    0

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