Tom … to bed already.

a) goes b) has gone c) is going

Jack … alone for many years.

a) is living b) has been living c) lives

Helen … a new car yet.

a) have bought b) buys
c) hasn’t bought

I … her since primary school.

a) know b) have known
c) am knowing

He … for two hours.

a) have read b) has read
c) has been reading

My mother … in a hospital for ten years. She’s a nurse there.

a) works b) is working
c) has been working

Fred and I are good dancers because we … together since childhood.

a) are dancing b) have been dancing c) dance

This sport programme …on TV for six years.

a) has been b) is c) is being

We …just … a cup of coffee. Would you like one?

a) have…had b) do…have
c) are having

This cake is wonderful. I … it for many years.

a) have been cooking b) cook c) am cooking

Vlad29rus228999 Vlad29rus228999    2   18.04.2020 08:24    4

кама148 кама148  13.10.2020 11:08


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